Dr. Bruce’s Patient Blogs About Surviving a Deadly Brain Tumor
A very grateful woman, Maria Bonyhay, has posted her story of survival on the Brain Tumor Foundation website. Her surgeon was Dr. Jeffrey Bruce from the Brain Tumor Center.
In her story, Maria emphasizes the importance of getting a second or even third opinion. After being diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme, a deadly brain tumor, two different doctors told her there was nothing they could do.
Maria persevered and got another opinion from Dr. Bruce. He was able to remove her tumor and Maria says, “Now, I feel healthy and strong and have no remaining after-effects of the tumor. My follow up MRIs show no new growth. My long-term prognosis is good!”
“Maria is a remarkable and courageous woman,” says Dr. Bruce. “I am delighted that she has done so well and is living her life to the fullest.”
Maria’s story was also posted on Paul Levy’s health care blog. Read her inspirational story.